Whistleblower asks for Halliburton investigation
Halliburton Iraq contracts audit ordered
Auditors Can't Account for Iraq Spent Funds
Treasury Skirts $7.4 Trillion Debt Limit
Outsourcing the Pentagon - Who benefits from the Politics and Economics of National Security?
USA: Cash Poor Pentagon Continues Record Setting Spending Spree on Contractors
Two decades of failed Pentagon financial reforms put more than just dollars at risk
DoD Finance: Mission (Not) Accomplished
War on Iraq: Bringing Halliburton To Heel
Subcommittee considers how to combat diploma mill fraud (9/24/04)
Comptroller convicted on 72 counts
Conrad Black and Hollinger International: a financial oligarchy out of control Part one
Conrad Black and Hollinger International: a financial oligarchy out of control
Kerry Campaign Fact Sheet: Kerry Takes on Cheney and Halliburton
Military Can't Seem To Get IT Right
GAO gives advice on passing governmentwide audit
How Cheney Got Away With $35 Million