Report: 'Appalling Fraud and Greed' in Iraq Contracts
GOP Congressman Sold Home -- and Could Pay Dearly
Congress berates Pentagon over Halliburton
Pentagon Obstructing Investigation into Development Fund for Iraq Abuse
Pentagon can use GSA contracts – properly
Pentagon is criticized over Iraq billing
Perpetual wars, poor returns for America
CorpWatch Releases New Alternative Annual Report on Halliburton
Houston, We Still Have A Problem
Recommendations Expected To Save Nearly $50 Billion
Sanders: Crony Capitalists
More money down the drain: War cost bleeds states, cities
More money down the drain: War cost bleeds states, cities
Is Intervention in the Gulf Still a Profitable Venture?
Pentagon reviewing more Druyun-related contracts
Halliburton Caught With Fingers in Iraq Redevelopment Fund
Pentagon's war spending hard to track: watchdog.
Halliburton overcharges in Iraq exceed $212m -
Pentagon Misplaced Tens of Millions of Greenbacks
Pentagon promises reforms after GAO reports $400 million waste
Marines Jail Contractors in Iraq
Former ITT chief faulted in probe of tanker scandal
Waste, fraud and personal use