Accounting fraud is business as usual at the Pentagon
» $8.5 TRILLION Doled Out By Congress To The Pentagon Since 1996 Has NEVER Been Accounted For
“$8.5 TRILLION In Taxpayer Money Doled Out By Congress To The Pentagon Since 1996 … Has NEVER Been Accounted For”
Want to Cut Government Waste? Find the $8.5 Trillion the Pentagon Can’t Account For | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance
The Pentagon's doctored ledgers conceal epic waste
Pentagon fraud? Report reveals that Pentagon hid billions of dollars in waste
Our Continued Series of Pentagon Fraud, Waste and Abuse C27J Spartan Aircraft
The Pentagon's bad bookkeeping
Security clearance firm charged with fraud
Pentagon concealed massive fraud for years
Pentagon guilty of billion-dollar accounting fraud, reveals Reuters investigation
Grand Theft Pentagon, Massive Waste and Fraud
Groups Call On Congress to Enact Sensible Pentagon Savings
Loophole in Law May Allow Pentagon Savings to Escape
Pentagon Paid Billions To Contractors Suspended For Fraud
Air Force: 34 nuclear missile officers implicated in cheating scandal
Nearly Two Thirds of 2013 Government Waste, Fraud Came from HHS